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What is is an online skill games platform that offers a wide range of online skill games for any taste. There are 3 categories of games from which Users can choose the option they like – Thrill games (free games), Fantastic games (paid games) and Competitions (tournaments). We offer instant play for all of our games without the need to download. Users can play our games at home, on the road or while studying. Prior to release, all of our games went through a rigorous and careful selection process to maximize quality and fun experiences for all of our players.

Does Royal Star Game collect Users` data?

Royal Star Game only collects the data for which Users give their permission.

Do Users need to register in order to play on Royal Star Game and how to do it?

Users can play all free games without registration. If Users want to utilize all functions of the website – buy virtual website Royals, play Fantastic games (paid games), purchase an Avatar, create Competitions (tournaments) and participate in them, and withdraw virtual website Royals, they need to register their account. Website`s virtual currency is Royals. To register, they need to click on the button “My account” at the top right of the screen and then in a pop-up window, click “Sign up”. Then Users need to enter all necessary information and click the confirm button. After that, they will receive a confirmation letter to the mail. Once the email is confirmed, the account will be registered.

How can Users utilize their personal account?

In Users` account, they can see their profile, where the details are indicated - the name and registered email, as well as Users` Favorite games, possible Avatars for purchase and already purchased, and Transactions journal where Users can buy or withdraw Royals.

How can Users add a game to the Favorite games?

To add a game to Favorite Games, Users need to simply click on the Heart Icon below the game. This will allow Users to quickly access the games they like from their Account menu.

How can Users choose an Avatar for their profile?

To set an Avatar, first of all Users need to register on the website, top up their balance and then they can purchase it. Users can buy any of the avatars presented in the library once the balance is replenished, the number of the avatars they may purchase is not limited.

What are Competitions (tournaments)?

Competitions (tournaments) are created by registered Users, so anyone with a User Account can create their own Competition (tournament). To create a Competition (tournament), as well as to take part in it, first Users need to replenish the balance in their personal account. Next they need to go to the Competitions (tournaments) tab, click on the “Create PVP” button and fill in all the required fields: select the game in which they want to organize the Competition (tournament), the duration of the Competition (tournament) and set the price for participation. After creating the Competition (tournament), other Users will be able to join on the “Competition” page. Users can see only active Competitions (tournaments) and only registered Users can take part in Competitions (tournaments). The winner of the Competition (tournament) receives the entire winning amount of Royals, which all participants paid as an entrance fee.

Why do Users need the Transactions journal?

The Transactions journal shows the entire history of Royals transactions - when Users replenish or spend their balance, win or withdraw Royals from their balance, buy Avatars, play Fantastic games (paid games), create Competitions (tournaments).

How can Users refill their balance with Royals?

To purchase Royals, Users should fill in the proposed form in the "Buy Royals" column, enter the required amount that they want to purchase and confirm the payment information.

How can Users withdraw Royals from their personal account?

To withdraw Royals, they need to go to their personal account and press the "Withdraw Royals" button. Then fill in all the necessary information and click "Send." Our support team will contact Users to submit the request and will inform Users where the documents (Proof of Name: Passport or ID or Driving license; Proof of Address: Utility bill (not older than for the last 3 months, issued for gas/water/electricity) or Tax bill (for the current tax year) or Driving license or Bank statement (not older than for the last 3 months) or Original mortgage statement or Lease agreement need to be provided to undergo the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure to comply with AML and KYC regulations and other regulatory institutions so that the payment can be initiated. When the request is complete, Royals are automatically deducted from Users` balance. Withdrawal is made only to the card with which the initial payment for Royals was made. Only Users who have reached the age of 18 can request the withdrawal of Royals. If Users would like to cancel their withdrawal request, they need to contact our support team and right after their appeal has been considered, the Royals amount will be added back to their balance.

What Royals may the Users withdraw?

The Users may only withdraw the Royals that they won by taking part in Competitions (tournaments).

What if Users have another question?

If Users need any help, they may feel free to contact us by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button or filling out the contact form. Our customer support team will answer all of the questions!

What if I didn't find solution to my problem?

Contact our customer care team by clicking the 'Contact Us' button if you require any assistance.